Monday, March 21, 2011


I was just watching the 60 Minutes interview with Archbishop Dolan and he was talking about how people shouldn't focus on the Church's rules and restrictions but instead receive her rich heritage with joy and gratitude. His entire face lit up as he said this. In my case, none of the Church's doctrines or moral teachings are a challenge to me in the sense that I have difficulty believing or obeying (for the most part, anyway) in my day to day life. On the other hand, what I'd want to change is how long it takes God to do some leeeetle particular vocational things I'd like to happen around, say, NOW. I CAN'T do what I want, I'm limited by God's not opening this or that door . . . wait, what does this sound like? Yes, you got it: it's simple dissent! Instead of complaining--which, incidentally, I'm supposed to have given up for Lent--I need to be grateful for God's immense gifts in my life. Instead of asking for change in the circumstances of my life, I need to ask for a change of heart.

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