Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Once a Month

I go nuts. Do not be alarmed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Social Haze

An interesting effect is going to a first big event with your boyfriend. At last night's Theology on Tap, I saw so many people I knew but I couldn't seem to make the effort to get up and say hi to any of them. I didn't even want to try, actually, because Stephen's arm was around my waist and we were talking animatedly with one of his friends about liturgical music. Everyone else seemed kind of hazy, too! There went Mary Beth, oh I see Meghan over there, Jaclyn and Maria were at the table near us . . . but I am happy here.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Favorite Person

I am feeling like my favorite person right now is my boyfriend. It almost seems traitorous to say it, because I have so many good girlfriends with whom I've spent such a very long time building up relationships, that it makes no sense for this guy whom I've known a few months to come and trump them all! But he does. The things I don't know about him are at least as fascinating as all the things I do know. He's brilliant, for one thing, and sees things much more expansively than I do. I work mainly by rules, whereas he has this positive intellectual intuition that, I must admit, blows my mind a wee bit. Besides that, he's so very kind to others and generous with his time and resources. He's this big, tall, strong guy--yet so, so gentle, and not just with me. I can't believe, in a way, he wants to date me: it's super good luck on my part!! I'll take it, though! :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010


You guys, this is amazing, I have a boyfriend! And he is really great! That is all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I just noticed something really cool about my legs: they are mostly muscle! I tried jiggling them, and they jiggled in a muscly way, rather than a fat way. (I don't want to get too graphic here.) Whatever other imperfections they have, these legs of mine are well on their way to being good strong legs for doing Whatever I Want to Do. More on this hereafter. As a final thought, this discovery of the muscularity of my legs greatly consoles me for the fact that, despite my attempts at exercise, my scale has not moved off of 135 in ages--maybe that's a good thing because, even though I may weigh the same, I've got more muscle now, and not fat!