My dear fellow traditional Mass-goers, I love you, but please: can we stop driving people away from the Mass we love? In what universe does it make sense to go around condemning other Catholics as modernist instead of reaching out to them in love? And there is no need for us to be the modesty police . . . police your eyes, sure, but let people figure it out from the way you dress that they should also dress respectfully.
Also, let's not close off dialogue by being, frankly, impolite in the way we express opinions. When I was in college and had conversations with my friends, we would just go ahead and assert something and wait for someone else to argue the point and then use our superior knowledge to prove them wrong. This may have been appropriate for undergraduates at a liberal arts college, but in most normal settings it is considered rude: you ask questions and listen to another person rather than telling him what he should think. You don't know everything. He may know even less than you, sure, but firstly, how do you know how much he does or doesn't know if you don't listen to him? Secondly, would he be at all likely to listen to what you have to say if you deliver it with (what is perceived as) a superior attitude?
Finally, don't be misogynist. I like to think this problem is more rare, but I won't fool myself into thinking it doesn't exist.
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