Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The silent killer

Everything happy turns sad when you can't share it with the one you love

Monday, May 26, 2014

Past and Present

The relationship of the past to the present is interesting.  I've been thinking that my relationship to the past, as mediated by my shoddy memory, is a bit lacking.  It can be useful, and it's generally seen as virtue, to move on and not get stuck in the past--but you do lose a bit if that is your natural mode.  For instance, right now I'm really needing to remember things that very much pertain to my present, yet they fade.  So I'm in the interesting position of trying to keep memories vivid for the sake of the present moment, to live in the present moment more fully by also entering into the (somewhat recent) past.  It's a paradox.  We often have to live in the paradox.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

"I miss you more each day"

I had heard this phrase and always assumed it was just a form of speech, not something literally true.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Don't Speak from a Place of Fear

I have two other things to share that I have recently learned.  One is that it is critical not to speak from a place of fear.  It's also surprisingly hard to do.  Fears and insecurities creep up on one, even when everything is seemingly going fine.  The other thing I have learned is that it is way too easy to be selfish.  This one is a very subtle point, as well.  In general, I thought I had a habit of generosity, but I am realizing more and more how often I fail really to put myself in the other's place, to imagine what he might be going through, etc.  I am fine with day to day things, but the really hard stuff, that's where I come up against my selfishness.  Ah well, it's humbling.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Learning a Lot

Right now, I feel, is a time of intense learning.  I am learning a lot about myself, and about how the expression "love till it hurts" isn't really just a cliché.  I have also learned by heart the code for the e with the acute accent (é)--it is ALT-0233!  I'm also having fun, as always!  The crazier, more ridiculous, matters get, the more important it is to laugh.  We'll see what else I learn in the coming months!