Monday, February 18, 2013

Hair and Makeup

The more experienced I have become, the more I have asserted my absolute will in the matter of my haircut and face makeup.  Formerly, I'd just tell whoever was cutting my hair, "Well, I kinda want it like this..." and would capitulate with their suggestions and/or mistakes.  Not so!  Now I make sure I know exactly what I want done to my tresses before entering the salon, as well as have confidence that whoever's about to cut my hair can perform the necessary alterations. 

I am also not about to put whatever junk someone is selling through their latest pyramid scheme on my face!  I came close.  A sister of a friend almost got me to buy foundation through her company.  However, the free samples she gave me unwittingly steered me away: the consistency of the makeup was all wrong, more pasty than anything.  I don't know.  I am spoiled by my last (splurge) purchase of foundation, which was Chanel, perfectly matched to my face at a beauty counter.  It's probably all downhill from there.

The lesson of this post might be: expensive haircuts and face makeup may well be worth it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

One way to make Valentine's Day awesome is to treat yourself to a sit-down lunch of Indian food . . . yum!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just dug through to the bottom of my backpack

to find my list of Lenten Resolutions for 2013:

  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free (second half of Lent)
  • No hot beverages, except green tea and mate (my least favorites)
  • One chapter of spiritual reading each day
  • Read an edifying audiobook
  • Recommit to New Year's resolutions


The reason Facebook is profoundly unsatisfying is that no one really wants an endless array of faces.  Rather, we want to be in someone's presence.  There's no "Presencebook," so getting together in the real is going to be our best option!

Monday, February 11, 2013


It is coming up.  Time to think seriously.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Tonight I feel I have been given the gift of interpretation and have looked at things I looked at already, but with new eyes and new insight.  I have learned a few things, have been confirmed in certain ways, but now I need to take action!  May that be for the morning.  Thank you, Lord.

I Come from a Generation

in which people were earnest on the Internet and meant what they said.  Whatever happened to those days?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pro Tip: Try Not to Go Crazy

before Valentine's Day.  Because that's just too cliche.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's the Little Things

Like plucking your eyebrows and getting them exactly how you want them.