Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mi chiamano Mimi

I love listening to opera, even though I don't understand all the words. It's filled with such emotion and power. On the other hand, I sometimes have trouble experiencing real life the same way. I feel it needs to be defined by words. I especially feel this way most when it's something I'm scared of, something uncontrolled, something like love. They sing of love, in Italian, French, German, all of these unknown languages to me--why can't I interpret it in the language of life?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Last night Emily and I sat on one of her expansive sofas and admired her one-week-old son. It was very ordered--two women admiring the virtues of one (very tiny) man. He smelled lovely!

Monday, April 19, 2010

White and Crusty

Though this blog houses my deepest, most random--and yet terse--thoughts, it also serves as a handy catalogue of things that happen to my clothes. Today, for example, I just discovered a white and crusty thing stuck to my blue linen skirt. Even though I'm wearing white for my top, I still considered that this speck belonged not to the fullness of my ensemble! I removed it. I think it must have been a dried blob of the yogurt I ate for breakfast.

Friday, April 9, 2010

For Realz

Ok, this is what I really think on the subject of work: I do not like work. I do not like it now, because I am lazy and because I don't find my job fulfilling. I am striving to overcome the first reason but I don't think I can do the same with the second. I would rather be doing something else: singing! So here is what I think. I think I can and should try to do what makes me happy and what I'm attracted to, in the area of work/career, as much as I can. Even the striving makes me happier and better. On the other hand, I also think that if I do get married I will marry a man who will be well able to provide for me and I will not need to work. Thus, I will not work. I don't even think I would sing for money. Actually, I especially would not do that because the fame would certainly go to my head. I would need my head, and my heart, to give to my husband. In the end analysis, therefore, I get the best of both worlds! I get to have fun while I am single, and not spend time being miserable, and then when (God willing) I get married, I get to love and have many babies. I could be entirely mistaken about this course for my life--the asterisk involved is always and at every moment God's will--but for the present I will use this current image as my pattern and guide. I am Woman . . . hear me laugh!